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The Macon-Bibb County Government transferred the oversight and operation of Stormwater Management Program Services to the MWA at the end of 2020.

How the MWA Handles Stormwater Management

The MWA handles stormwater management through an intergovernmental agreement with Macon-Bibb County Government. Stormwater capital projects funded by sources like SPLOST will continue to address infrastructure issues, but the community’s growing needs have far outweighed available funding. Thus, we have developed a stormwater utility to assist with the costs.

The MWA is committed to:

  • Protecting water quality
  • Providing best management practices
  • Assuring stormwater regulatory compliance

Please check out our Stormwater Education Video for a complete overview of the MWA Stormwater Management Program Services.

drain grates in road

MWA Stormwater Education Video

Play button for the video

For More Information About Stormwater Management, Please Call 478-464-5600.

Stormwater Management Program Services

The following services are offered to rate-paying Authority customers through the current MWA stormwater utility:

  • Repair cave-ins and sinkholes (Within Public Right-of-way)
  • Repair, replace, and/or install stormwater pipe (Within Public Right-of-Way)
  • Provide ditch maintenance (Within Public Right-of-Way)
  • Repair or replace catch basins, frame casings, culverts, and manhole covers
  • Clean clogged catch basins and storm drains

(Please note that Macon Water Authority is not responsible for maintaining or replacing infrastructure on private easements, including ditches, pipes, or other stormwater infrastructure)

  • Maintain public detention ponds
  • Address stormwater drainage issues
  • Provide continual street sweeping
  • Provide necessary preventive maintenance
  • Protect water quality

Stormwater Utility Fees

Stormwater Credits

What is a Stormwater Service Fee Credit?

As part of the MWA’s Stormwater Management Program, a stormwater credit is offered to help property owners reduce their stormwater utility bills. The purpose of these credits is to recognize actions and systems that reduce the burden on and/or the cost of operating the MWA’s Stormwater Management Program and infrastructure. These credits also provide an incentive for property owners to properly manage their stormwater system(s) as good stewards of our natural resources.

To receive a stormwater credit from the MWA, a property must meet specific criteria that demonstrate compliance with the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, such as maintaining stormwater management features (e.g., detention ponds, rain gardens) on the property that help to reduce the stormwater runoff or improve water quality. Qualifying properties that submit the proper documentation are eligible for up to a 50% maximum reduction in stormwater utility fees.

Participation in stormwater education programs through schools, churches, or other entities also qualifies a customer for stormwater credits. Stormwater stewardship activities by schools, churches, or other organizations — such as no direct discharges, septic tank management, or a minimal amount of impervious surface on site (less than 10%) — are welcomed for consideration of credits as well.


How Do I Apply for a Stormwater Credit?

For the complete listing of Stormwater Credit opportunities and the documentation required to apply for stormwater service fee credits, please click the link for the Residential Stormwater Credit Manual below:

Macon Water Authority Residential Stormwater Credit Manual 

If applying for a single-family residential (SFR) Stormwater Service Fee Credit, please click the link below and download the SFR Service Fee Credit Application/Renewal Form.

Please note that you will not need a Right of Entry Agreement for this application. 

SFR Service Fee Credit Application/Renewal Form

Non-Single-Family Residential Credit Manual and Application

How to Submit Your Application to the MWA Online:

For Single-Family Residential Applications:

For Non-Single Family Residential & Commercial Applications:

Stormwater Credit Amounts

For the complete listing of Stormwater Credits available, please click on the link below:

MWA Stormwater Credit Table

Stormwater Education Materials

Stormwater Education Program for Other Organizations

Non-residential property owners can qualify for a Stormwater Fee Credit by meeting whichever of the following two levels is greater:

  • 20% participation based on the number of parking spaces (i.e., the number of people required to attend must be at least .20 times the number of parking spaces visible in aerial imagery)
  • 20% participation based on a verifiable number of employees or members

Participating property owners must submit documentation for the training activity that includes the date, description of the training/video, and the record of attendance in the form of a sign-in sheet.

open drainage pipe

Stormwater Service Fee Appeals

If customers receive a Stormwater Fee they believe is incorrect based on the number of ERUs charged, they may initiate an Appeal of the Stormwater Fee.

The MWA will process only one appeal application at a time for each customer account. Please attach all documentation to support this appeal, as indicated in the table included in the application below. Review and response of the appeal may take up to 30 days. A Right-of-Entry Agreement is required for non-residential property appeals, even though a site visit may not be necessary.

Stormwater Service Fee Appeals Form

A completed and printed copy of this appeal form can be mailed or emailed with attachments to:

Macon Water Authority
Attn: S.W. Service Fee Appeal
790 Second Street; P.O. Box 108
Macon, GA  31202-0108

*By submitting an appeal application, you (the customer) certify that all statements made on the form are true, complete, and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief, and that any false statements or major omissions shall be considered sufficient cause for the addition of a $100.00 administrative fee. Also, you further acknowledge that any or all information provided is subject to verification and hereby authorize Macon Water Authority to conduct a site visit of your property as needed.